Au pair destinations

You may be an au pair anywhere in the world. The choice of your travel destination is important for your au pair stay abroad. Many au pairs decide to go to Europe, especially Germany. Au Pair in America, in Australia & New Zealand and Au Pair in China are also very popular.

Au pair stay in Germany

The au pair year can be organized by au pair and host family. The contact and organization of the program can also be done via an institution. An au pair stay in Germany may last between 6 and 12 months.

Au pair stay in Europe (Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Norway, Finland)

Guidelines for an au pair stay abroad are similar within Europe. Depending on the country there might be minor differences. Basic information concerning au pair stays in Germany will therefore correspond with stays in other European countries. Further information on specifics in each country can be found on local websites of each country.

Au pair stay in Australia & New Zealand

Young travelers up to the age of 30 may apply for the Working Holiday Maker Visa in order to work in Australia or New Zealand as an au pair. Further information on this visa and which countries are able to receive the visa can be found on the Australian Government website.

Au Pair stay in the USA

The au pair program in the USA is strongly regulated. With the exception of summer au pairs, the au pair stay needs to be for one year minimum. For the participation of an au pair program you need to apply for a J-1 visa. This visa for au pairs can only be received through an au pair agency.

Au pair stay in China

Until today China does not have an official au pair program. Au pairs may enter with a visa for language students (F visa) or exchange visitors (X visa) and thus live with a Chinese host family and at the same time learn the language.
For this reason au pair stays in China are not as common as in other countries. Basically, interest in Asian countries is gaining and requests of an au pair year in China are increasing. Be adventurous and spend an au pair year abroad in China.